Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 626 ads Tags: family history Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Afro-American (Baltimore, MD)Afro-American Advocate (Coffeyville, KS)Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore, MD)Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN)Atchison Weekly Champion (Atchison, KS)Bee (Ripley, OH)Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, NY)Daily Newbernian (New Bern, NC)Daily Press and Herald (Knoxville, TN)Iowa State Bystander (Des Moines, IA)Lost Friends AdMontgomery Daily Advertiser (Montgomery, AL)Nashville Globe (Nashville, TN)New National Era (Washington, DC)New Orleans Tribune (New Orleans, LA)Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)Southern Republican (Demopolis, AL)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Advocate, (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Recorder (New Orleans, LA)St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, MO)St. Louis Post Dispatch (St. Louis, MO)The Abbeville Press and Banner (Abbeville, SC)The Appeal (Chicago, IL)The Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN)The Black Hills Daily Times (Deadwood, Dakota Territory)The Boston Daily Globe (Boston, MA)The Buffalo Enquirer (Buffalo, NY)The Buffalo Review (Buffalo, NY)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Colored American (Washington, DC)The Colored Tenessean (Nashville, TN)The Colored Tennessean (Nashville, TN)The Elevator (San Francisco, CA)The Freedman (Boston, MA)The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN)The Highland Weekly News (Hillsboro, OH)The Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL)The New York World (New York, NY)The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)The Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The Watchman and Southron (Sumter, SC)The Weekly Clarion (Jackson, MS)The Weekly Louisianian (New Orleans, LA)Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA)Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro, VT) [Ad copied from the Zion Church Advocate, published in Washington, DC, with commentary by the editor of the Vermont Phoenix] Tags family historyAfrican Methodist Episcopal Churchattorneyaunt(s)capturedchanged namechild(ren)Civil WarCivil War battleConfederate States Armycontrabandsconvicteddebtdeceaseddesertion (spousal)dowrydying wishemancipationemigrationenslaver looking for former slaveescapedescaped from jailestateestate divisionfemale enslaverforced migrationformer enslaverfoundfraternal groupsfree people of colorfreedgrandparent(s)heir(s)hired outIndian Territoryinheritancekidnappingleft with Union Armyliteracylynchingmanumittedmaritime workmaster diedmigration (north)migration (post-emancipation)migration (west)ministerministersministers please readmissing person(s)multiple admultiple adsmutual searchNative Americansnewspaper replynorthern slaveryorphan/orphanageparent(s)person with a disabilityphysical descriptionprobaterailroadrailroad workerReconstructionremarriedresistancereunionrewardrunawaysearching for former enslaverself-emancipationself-injuryself-purchasesibling(s)simultaneous searchskilled tradeslave tradeslave tradersold southsoldierspeculatorspousesteamboatstolensuicideU. S. ArmyU. S. Colored Troopsuncle(s)Underground Railroadveteranwhite fatherwhite newspaperwidow Diana Johnson (formerly Diana Hellard) searching for her relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) January 28, 1897 Diana Johnson searching for numerous relatives including her father Jack Hellard The Buffalo Enquirer (Buffalo, NY) January 16, 1900 Diana Johnson (formerly Diana Hellard) searching for her relations The Buffalo Review (Buffalo, NY) January 17, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for information about her parents and siblings Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, NY) January 16, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for lost relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 11, 1896 Diana Johnson searching for her lost relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 13, 1894 Washington Landis searching for his brother Elijah Hawkins Afro-American Advocate (Coffeyville, KS) September 9, 1892 Jack Robinson (formerly Jack Boils) searching for his mother Mary Boils and siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 Susan Fearce looking for her parents Ben and Lucinda and her siblings Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 21, 1901 Mrs. Sallie Warner (formerly Sallie Caloway) searching for her siblings William, Washington, Jerry, and others Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) August 26, 1880 Diana Lange searching for her siblings Betsey, Juno, William, Thomas, and John Lange Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 11, 1879 D. J. Price searching for his nephew Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 24, 1880 Lizzie Abram searching for her mother Eliza Wilson and her siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 3, 1880 Reverend Isaac Harville searching for his mother Julia Harvill and his siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 27, 1880 Sarah Ann Huff (formerly Sarah Ann Jackson Peter) searching for her father Jerry Jackson Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 John Doty searching for his mother May Doty Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 27, 1880 Jim Napier searching for his nieces and nephews Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 6, 1880 Lewis James seeking his mother and brothers The Weekly Louisianian (New Orleans, LA) July 13, 1872 Jason McCloud searching for his father Jason, mother Rosa, siblings, wife, and children Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 31, 1879 John McDuffy (formerly John McKay) searching for his father George McDuffy, mother Diana, and siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) November 29, 1888 George Terry seeking his sister Lucy Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 14, 1888 Eddie Manuel (formerly Eve Gregg) searching for her children January and Beckey Grimbol Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 16, 1889 Henrietta Berry searching for her husband's family Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 8, 1880 Eliza Handy (formerly Eliza Dancey) searching for her children Mollida Barnett, Mary Slaughter, and Ellen Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 22, 1880 Carroll Robinson searching for their father George Robinson and their siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 15, 1880 of 26