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  • Tags: desertion (spousal)
  • Desertion (spousal) identifies ads in which the person placing the ad is seeking information about a spouse who has disappeared without warning or (identified) cause. During the Civil War and its aftermath, some men took advantage of the disruption and chaos of war to leave their wives/families and start new lives elsewhere. Many of these ads, however, concern spousal desertions that took place long after the war's end.

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James H. Cooper searching for his son William Alonzo Cooper

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J. U. Bishop searching for his wife Rebecca Bishop

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Elizabeth Allen searching for husband Alexander Allen

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Mrs. Indianer Hodges searching for her son

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Mrs. Mary Myers looking for her husband Wade Thornton Myers

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Molley Wharton looking for her husband Joe Wharton

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Patty Brown searching for her husband John Williams

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Sarah Young seeking her unnamed husband

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F. J. Hunter searching for his mother Nanby Whittecar and several siblings

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Nelson Parrett searching for his wife Elizabeth Parrett

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Wife searching for husband Joseph Johnson

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Mrs. Burton searching for her husband George W. Burton

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Wesley Johnson seeking information about his brother Gideon Johnson

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Catherine Johnson searching for her husband John Johnson

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Rev. A. P. Washington seeking information about Rev. N. F. Turner

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Rev. M. B. Sheppard seeking information of his brother Rev. James W. S. Sheppard

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Fannie Robinson searching for her husband Cayrel Robinson

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Andrew Baylis searching for his wife Betsy Robinson

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