Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 2162 ads Subject is exactly "Information Wanted Ad" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Afro-American (Baltimore, MD)Afro-American Advocate (Coffeyville, KS)Afro-American Ledger (Baltimore, MD)Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, VA)American Citizen (Canton, MS)Anglo-African (New York, NY)Anglo-African (New York)Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN)Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR)Arkansas Weekly Mansion (Little Rock, AR)Atchison Daily Free Press (Atchison, KS)Atchison Weekly Champion (Atchison, KS)Baltimore Daily Commercial (Baltimore, MD)Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD)Baptist Times (Garnett, KS)Baton Rouge Tri-weekly Gazette & Comet (Baton Rouge, LA)Beaufort Republican (Beaufort, SC)Brenham Weekly Banner (Brenham, TX)Brownlow's Knoxville Whig (Knoxville, TN)Bucyrus Journal (Bucyrus, OH)Buffalo Commercial Advertiser (Buffalo, NY)Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, NY)Carolina Watchman (Salisbury, NC)Charleston Mercury (Charleston, SC)Chattanooga Daily Times (Chattanooga, TN)Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)Cincinnati Commercial Tribune (Cincinnati, OH)Clarksville Weekly Chronicle (Clarksville, TN)Cleveland Daily Leader (Cleveland, OH)Clinch Valley News (Tazewell Courthouse, VA)Commercial Advertiser (New York, NY)Daily Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)Daily Chronicle (Knoxville, TN)Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA)Daily Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY)Daily Missouri Republican (St. Louis, MO)Daily Newbernian (New Bern, NC)Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA)Daily Press and Herald (Knoxville, TN)Daily Public Ledger (Maysville, KY)Daily Selma Messenger (Selma, AL)Dallas Express (Dallas, TX)Elyria Independent Democrat (Elyria, OH)Evening Post (Wilmington, NC)Evening Star (Washington, DC)Fayette County Herald (Washington Court House, OH)Fort Scott Weekly Monitor (Fort Scott, KS)Fort Worth Gazette (Fort Worth, TX)Frederick Douglass' Paper (Rochester, NY)Freedmen’s Record (Boston, MA)Freeman (New York, NY)Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, IL)Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, IL)Fremont Semi-Weekly Herald (Fremont, NE)Gallipolis Journal (Gallipolis, OH)Globe (New York, NY)Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hills, NV) (reprinted, with editorial commentary, from the Indianapolis Evening News)Greenville Advance Argus (Greenville, PA)Harrisburg Daily Independent (Harrisburg, PA)Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, PA)Herald of Kansas (Topeka, KS)Highland Weekly News (Hillsboro, OH)Huntsville Gazette (Huntsville, AL)Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL)Iowa State Bystander (Des Moines, IA)Jersey City News (Jersey City, NJ)Keowee Courier (Pickens, SC)Knoxville Daily Tribune (Knoxville, TN)Knoxville Press and Messenger (Knoxville, TN)Las Vegas Weekly Optic and Stock Grower (East Las Vegas, NM)Leavenworth Daily Conservative (Leavenworth, KS)Liberator (Boston, MA)Livingston Journal (Livingston, AL)Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA)Louisville Daily Courier (Louisville, KY)Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, KY)Maryville Republican (Maryville, TN)Memphis Daily Appeal (Memphis, TN)Memphis Daily Post (Memphis, TN)Memphis Evening Post (Memphis, TN)Montgomery Daily Advertiser (Montgomery, AL)Nashville Globe (Nashville, TN)Nashville Union and American (Nashville, TN)Natchez Weekly Democrat (Natchez, MS)National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York, NY)National Republican (Washington, DC)National Tribune (Washington, DC)New Bern Weekly Journal (New Bern, NC)New Era (Washington, DC)New National Era (Washington, DC)New Orleans Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA)New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, LA)New York Age (New York, NY)New York Herald (New York, NY)Newbern Journal of Commerce (New Bern, NC)Norfolk Virginian (Norfolk, VA)Omaha Daily Bee (Omaha, NE)Osawatomie Graphic (Osawatomie, KS)Ottumwa Courier (Ottumwa, IA)Peninsula Enterprise (Accomack Courthouse, VA)People's Advocate (Washington, DC)Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA)Port Tobacco Times and Charles County Advertiser (Port Tobacco, MD)Portland Daily Press (Portland, ME)Provincial Freeman and Weekly Advertiser (Windsor/Toronto/Chatham, Canada West)Provincial Freeman and Weekly Advertiser (Windsor/Toronto/Chatham, Canada West)Public Ledger (Memphis, TN)Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA)Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA)Raleigh Daily News (Raleigh, NC)Reno Gazette-Journal (Reno, NV)Republican Banner (Nashville, TN)Richmond Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA)Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA)Sacramento Daily Record-Union (Sacramento, CA)Saint Mary's Beacon (Leonardtown, MD)San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, CA)San Francisco Elevator (San Francisco, CA)South Carolina Leader (Charleston, SC)South Carolina Leader (Charleston)Southern Republican (Demopolis, AL)Southwestern Christian AdvocateSouthwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Spirit of Jefferson (Charles Town, WV)Springfield Globe-Republic (Springfield, OH)St. Albans Daily Messenger (St. Albans, VT)St. Joseph Gazette (St. Joseph, MO)St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, MO)St. Louis Evening Post (St. Louis, MO)St. Louis Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, MO)St. Louis Palladium (St. Louis, MO)St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, MO)Star of Zion (Charlotte, NC)Staunton Spectator (Staunton, VA)Staunton Spectator and General Advertiser (Staunton, VA)Tar Heel (Elizabeth City, NC)The Abbeville Press and Banner (Abbeville, SC)The Andrew County Republican (Savannah, MO)The Anglo-African (New York, NY)The Anglo-African (New York)The Anglo-American (New York, NY)The Appeal (Chicago, IL)The Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN)The Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN)The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, GA)The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD)The Baptist Vanguard (Little Rock, AR)The Billings Herald (Billings, MT)The Black Republican (New Orleans, LA)The Bolivar Bulletin (Bolivar, TN)The Bourbon News (Paris, Bourbon County, KY)The Broad Ax (Chicago, IL)The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, NY)The Buffalo Enquirer (Buffalo, NY)The Buffalo Review (Buffalo, NY)The Charleston Daily News (Charleston, SC)The Charlotte Democrat (Charlotte, NC)The Chicago Defender (Chicago, IL)The Chicago Weekly Tribune (Chicago, IL)The Christian RecorderThe Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Cincinnati Daily Star (Cincinnati, OH)The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, OH)The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH)The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, Ohio)The Colored American (Washington, DC)The Colored Tenessean (Nashville, TN)The Colored Tennessean (Nashville, TN)The Columbia Herald (Columbia, TN)The Columbia Record (Columbia, SC)The Commercial Gazette (Wyandotte/Kansas City, KS)The Commonwealth (Topeka, KS)The Council Grove Republican (Council Grove, KS)The Daily American (Nashville, TN)The Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA)The Daily Dispatch (Wilmington, NC)The Daily Empire (Dayton, OH)The Daily Journal (Freeport, IL)The Daily Kansas Tribune (Lawrence, KS)The Daily Memphis Avalanche (Memphis, TN)The Daily Mississippian (Jackson, MS)The Daily North-Carolina Standard (Raleigh, NC)The Daily Phoenix (Columbia, SC)The Daily Picayune (New Orleans, LA)The Daily Republican (Monongahela, PA)The Daily Standard (Raleigh, NC)The Daily State Journal (Richmond, VA)The Davis Budget (Davis, IL)The Donaldsonville Chief (Donaldsonville, LA)The Elevator (San Francisco, CA)The Enterprise (Omaha, NE)The Era (Raleigh, NC)The Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY)The Evening Post (New York, NY)The Evening Post (Wilmington, NC)The Florida Peninsular (Tampa, FL)The Free Man's Press (Galveston, TX)The Freedman (Boston, MA)The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN)The Galveston Daily News (Galveston, TX)The Greensboro Patriot (Greensboro, NC)The Greenville Times (Greenville, MS)The Helena Independent (Helena, MT)The Herald of the Union (Wilmington, NC)The Hickman Courier (Hickman, KY)The Highland Weekly News (Hillsboro, OH)The Houston Daily Post (Houston, TX)The Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL)The Independent (Houston, TX)The Interior Journal (Stanford, KY)The Item (Dallas, TX)The Kansas City Globe (Kansas City, KS)The Kansas City Sun (Kansas City, MO)The Kansas City Times (Kansas City, MO)The Langston City HeraldThe Liberator (Boston, MA)The Louisiana Democrat (Alexandria, LA)The Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, KY)The Loyal Georgian (Augusta, GA)The Magnolia Gazette (Magnolia, MS)The Memphis Daily Appeal (Memphis, TN)The Moline Review-Dispatch (Moline, IL)The Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL)The Morning News (Savannah, GA)The Nashville Daily Union (Nashville, TN)The Nashville Globe (Nashville, TN)The National Gazette and Literary Register (Philadelphia, PA)The National Tribune (Washington, DC)The New Orleans Daily Democrat (New Orleans, LA)The New South (Port Royal, SC)The New York Age (New York, NY)The New York Freeman (New York, NY)The New York Globe (New York, NY)The New York Herald (New York, NY)The Newberry Herald (Newberry, SC)The Newberry Weekly Herald (Newberry, SC)The Norfolk Post (Norfolk, VA)The North Carolinian (Elizabeth City, NC)The Northwestern Recorder (Milwaukee, WI)The Oakland Daily Times (Oakland, CA)The Oswego Independent (Oswego, KS)The Ouachita Telegraph (Monroe, LA)The Owensboro Monitor (Owensboro, KY)The Pacific Appeal (San Francisco, CA)The Pacific Appeal (San Fransisco, CA)The Philadelphia Times (Philadelphia, PA)The Pinehurst Outlook (Pinehurst, NC)The Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA)The Plaindealer (Detroit, MI)The Progress-Index (Petersburg, VA)The Raleigh Register (Raleigh, NC)The Redwood Gazette (Redwood Falls, MN)The Reformer (Richmond, VA)The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)The Richmond Times (Richmond, VA)The Savannah Tribune (Savannah, GA)The Selma Press (Selma, AL)The Selma Times and Messenger (Selma, AL)The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, LA)The South-Western (Shreveport, LA)The Southern Argus (Selma, AL)The Southern Letter (Tuskegee, AL)The Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The St. Joseph Weekly Gazette (St. Joseph, MO)The St. Louis Republic (St. Louis, MO)The St. Louis Republican (St. Louis, MO)The Star and Enterprise (Newville, PA)The Star of Zion (Charlotte, NC)The Stark County Democrat (Canton, OH)The State Capital (Springfield, IL)The State Journal (Jefferson City, MO)The Statesman (Denver, CO)The Sun (Baltimore, MD)The Tennessean (Nashville, TN)The Times-Democrat (New Orleans, LA)The Topeka Plaindealer (Topeka, KS)The Tri-Weekly Standard (Raleigh, NC)The True Southerner (Hampton, VA)The Twice-a-Week Independent (Coffeyville, KS)The Union Flag (Jonesborough, TN)The Vicksburg Daily Herald (Vicksburg, MS)The Washington Bee (Washington, DC)The Washington Times (Washington, DC)The Weekly American Union (Chattanooga, TN)The Weekly Call (Topeka, KS)The Weekly Clarion (Jackson, MS)The Weekly Floridian (Tallahassee, FL)The Weekly Louisianan (New Orleans, LA)The Weekly Louisianian (New Orleans, LA)The Weekly Mississippi Pilot (Jackson, MS)The Weekly Star (Wilmington, NC)The Western Appeal/The Appeal: A National Afro-American Newspaper (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN)The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, VA)The Wilmington Herald (Wilmington, NC)The Wilson Advance (Wilson, NC)Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA)Times-Promoter (Hernando, MS)Topeka Plaindealer (Topeka, KS)Topeka State Journal (Topeka, KS)Topeka Tribune (Topeka, KS)Topeka Weekly Leader (Topeka, KS)Topeka Weekly Times (Topeka, KS)True Southerner (Hampton, VA)Ukiah Republican Press (Ukiah, CA)Union Springs Herald (Union Springs, AL)Vermont Phoenix (Brattleboro, VT) [Ad copied from the Zion Church Advocate, published in Washington, DC, with commentary by the editor of the Vermont Phoenix]Vermont Telegraph (Brandon, VT)Washington Bee (Washington, DC)Washington Times (Washington, DC)Weekly Avalanche (Memphis, TN)Weekly Journal (Mercersburg, PA)Weekly Standard (Raleigh, NC)Western Appeal (St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN; Chicago, IL)Yazoo City Herald (Yazoo City, MS) Tags African Methodist Episcopal ChurchAndersonville Prisonantebellum adArmy Hospitalarmy substituteattorneyaunt(s)capturedchanged namechild(ren)Civil WarCivil War battleConfederate CongressConfederate RaidsConfederate States Armycontrabandsconvictedcustodydebtdeceaseddesertion (spousal)desertions (Civil War)doctors (African American)dowrydying wishemancipationemigrationEnoch Ardenenslaver looking for former slaveescapedescaped from jailestateestate divisionfamily historyfemale enslaverforced migrationformer enslaverfoundfraternal groupsfree people of colorfreedFreedmen's Bureaufreedom suitsFreemasonsgrandparent(s)heir(s)hired outIndian TerritoryIndian WarsinheritanceJefferson DaviskidnappingKnights of Pythiasleft with Union ArmyliteracyLost Cause narrativemanumittedmaritime workMasonic LodgeMasonsmaster diedmigration (north)migration (post-emancipation)migration (west)ministerministersministers please readmissing person(s)missionarymultiple admultiple adsmutual searchNative Americansnephewnewspaper replynorthern slaveryorphan/orphanageparent(s)passingpension (Civil War)pensions (Civil War)person with a disabilityphysical descriptionprisoner of warprobatepropertyrailroadrailroad workerReconstructionremarriedresistancereunionrewardRobert E. Leerunawaysailorsearching for former enslaverself-emancipationself-purchaseSherman's Armysibling(s)simultaneous searchskilled tradeslave tradeslave tradersold southsoldierspeculatorspousesteamboatstolensuicideU. S. ArmyU. S. Colored CavalryU. S. Colored InfantryU. S. Colored TroopsU. S. Navyuncle(s)Underground Railroadveteranwhite fatherwhite newspaperwidow Lucy Lee looking for her son, Willie Lee The Plaindealer (Detroit, MI) November 7, 1890 Clara Bashop searching for her daughter San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, CA) October 11, 1892 Millie Walker searching for her sister, Cintha Walker The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 Reverend C. D. White searching for his sister Mary Lilly The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 Dulcina Hall searching for her father, Isaac Tolson The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 R. D. Jones searching for the children or grandchildren of Henrietta Broadwater The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 B. T. Davis searching for an aunt Flora Hillard The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 Sophia Bishop searching for brother Kinnett Claggett The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) August 9, 1888 Tuague Miller searching for his siblings, Sarah and Caroline Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) September 15, 1881 Diana Johnson searching for lost relatives The Daily Journal (Freeport, IL) January 18, 1900 Henry Saffold searching for fellow veterans from his U. S. C. T. regiment The Savannah Tribune (Savannah, GA) November 17 & 24, 1888 Mrs. Jane Drake (formerly Jane Shanklin) searching for her son John Gardner (1st of 2 ads) The Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL) November 8, 1895 Diana Johnson searching for numerous relatives including her father Jack Hellard The Buffalo Enquirer (Buffalo, NY) January 16, 1900 Diana Johnson (formerly Diana Hellard) searching for her relations The Buffalo Review (Buffalo, NY) January 17, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for lost relatives Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, IL) January 18, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for lost relatives Fremont Semi-Weekly Herald (Fremont, NE) January 19, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for her relatives who were sold away before the Civil War Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, IL) January 18, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for information about her parents and siblings Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, NY) January 16, 1900 Susan Anderson received letters from Alex Johnson and Charles Braxton Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) August 11, 1894 Jane Horton searching for mother Louisa Banks and brother Benjamin The Southern Letter (Tuskegee, AL) September 1893 Peyton Hemingway finds wife remarried The Wilson Advance (Wilson, NC) May 2, 1884 Thomas Jones returns after suddenly disappearing The Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA) November 18, 1908 Unnamed man finds wife remarried The Kansas City Times (Kansas City, MO) July 10, 1881 Aunt Sophia reunites with George Duncan The Kansas City Times (Kansas City, MO) Emanuel Brooks finds wife remarried The Kansas City Globe (Kansas City, KS) April 11, 1907 of 87