Winnie Blakeley seeking information about her mother Mary Brown

DEAR EDITOR ---- I wish to make
inquiry through your valuable columns
for my mother, Mary Brown.
I saw her right after freedom.
Then she was in the city of Houston,
Texas, but soon after left for
San Jacinto county. I learned
since that she was seen in New Orleans.
The name I went by then
was Winnie Sellers, but is now
Winnie Blakeley. My aunts' names
are Lucinda Davis, Lottie McClenan
and Sarah McClenan. My uncles'
names were Sam Warren and
Berry McClenan. My grandfather's
and grandmother's names were
Nathan and Jennie McClenan. I am
very anxious to learn their whereabouts.
Any information will be
thankfully received. Direct your
letters to Calvert, Roberson Co.,
Texas, in care of J. W. Robinson
or Dr. G. N. Mead. Ministers of
every charge where this paper visits
please read this anxious inquiry
and oblige, yours truly,


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